Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thank you Umpire

Safe!  I'm on First Base and I am not going back to start again.  Now my eyes are on Second.  And in fact, I'm already on my way.  And unlike the swing of the bat for the home run, this feels less down to risk and much more into game plan strategy.  And strategy I can do.  It's in my nature to plan and to think ahead and to consider the risks and decide on the best approach.  Easy peasy.  I'm already making that shuffle move towards the 2nd plate.......

So time ticked painfully slowly yesterday, all through the night - and yes, I watched it tick - minute by minute and hour by hour! And then in the space of literally 3 minutes the Oncologist's call set me whirling back into reality and real time.  "Kym your margins are clear and the pathologist report indicates the cancer has been successfully removed".  No more chop chop. Smiles all round and a good punch in the air!  There was also a moment for a hug and a tear or two.
Well thank you Stephanie - have a drink with an umbrella in Bali for me - you are a technical Goddess.  And thank you my body for hanging onto what continues to be part of my body and what I intend to hold on to forever from now on.  Yippee - yip yip yippee.  Relief, sweet relief.

So what's next?  Well referrals to the next round - discussions with Oncologists about treatment 'options'.  The option for me is to get rid of this cancer and to never have it come back.  Kapputski.  Gonski.  Blow the popsicle stand.  As I said on facebook today - so long sucker.  So as far as I am concerned, my 'option' is I will do whatever I have to do to make that happen.  Of course I will listen to the experts and take their advice and not do anything that is not necessary.  I am not a risk taker and I am certainly not frivolous when it comes to my health.  However, I already feel very sure that I will do whatever it takes to give myself the best possible long term outcome.  Short term pain, long term gain.  So if that means throwing everything available to me to ensure I live a long, healthy, cancer-free life - then that's what I am going to do. 

Because this game, I am NOT going to lose.  I will play each base and I will be fair but my eye is on the end result.  The cancer didn't play fair.  It was a dirty player.  If it was the Olympics, it would be found positive for using performance enhancing drugs and stripped of it's medal or if it was a footballer, the ref would have sent it off for a dangerous tackle and you'd see it suited up on Channel 10, heading in to the tribunal and it would be banned for life for being such a dirty, unfair, low down, dispicable player.  You see my cancer hit me with a sucker punch when I wasn't looking and really, lets be honest, it waited until I was so tired and my immune system was so compromised, that it couldn't possibly lose. It realised that this was its best chance.  Hit her while she's down.  King hit. Well think again cancer.  Cause you just lost the fight.  Sure, there's still a game to play.  And yes, I'm only just racing from 1st base to 2nd.  But there's momentum now.  I can feel it and so can the crowd. 

So roll on next Wednesday when I go meet my local Oncologist Adam.  I hear he is a good good man. Possibly a bit nerdy but hey, who's complaining about that? And he and I are about to hunker down and talk tactics.  Strategy.  Game plan.  And ultimately - Victory. 

In the meantime I will try hard to be me.  Enjoy the sunshine and fresh air North Coast Kym.  Working Kym. Aerobics Kym.  Friend and Family Kym.  Mum to Murphy Kym.  And I will also be healing Kym and preparation Kym and probably fresh fruit juice Kym and god forbid but maybe even meditation Kym.....  Nah, actually probably not meditation Kym but maybe at least self reflection Kym and most definitely laughing silly happy Kym.  That I know I can do.

Thanks again for endless and amazing support.  I love you.  K x


  1. Lovely post my friend. So relieved and happy to hear all this news. I should practice my flying and come up to see you - let's work out a plan. Lots of love to you

  2. Best news possible, hug and kiss. Maria

  3. Eye spy .... Kym! Yoga Kym? Well done chick. Gonsky. xx
