Friday, November 11, 2011

Okay, so the Umpires called me back...this just gives me a second chance at a home run.....

Diagnosis on Melbourne Cup Day.  Results today on Remembrance Day.   Despite my initial reaction to the news, I am feeling better and better regarding the outcome.  So what's a bit more surgery?  I quite liked the 5 star hospital resort at St George and now that I am a repeat customer I am thinking my hand delivered latte might come with a warm blueberry muffin next time???  LOL

So my race to first base has been slowed down on the one hand.  It appears a second go at removing the cancerous tissue to be absolutely sure it's all gone (and who wouldn't want that??) is in order.  Fine.  Been there done that.  As with the last surgery, being wheeled around in a bed, pampered by lovely nursing staff and given A1 drugs to sleep like a baby while other people perform miracles is all fine with me.  I am told Stephanie can enter through the same cut and that now because they have such clear and precise pathology to guide the surgery - the process has less room for guess work and more room for knowing exactly how much has to go and from where.  Thank you nerdy people who know their way around a microscope.  Thank you Jodi for telling me in such a skilled and knowledgable way and thank you Stephanie for finding time to do this next Tuesday. 

THREE PIECES OF GOOD NEWS (the other wasn't THAT bad but this is better) - is that the pathology has indicated my cancer has downgraded to a Grade 1 cancer from a Grade 2 (yippee), that there is a VERY GOOD CHANCE that I may be able to avoid chemotherapy and just undergo hormone treatment and radiation therapy (yes more waiting) and that my lymph nodes are free and clear of cancer so they aren't going anywhere.  I keep wanting to pat my armpit and tell them what a good job they are doing.

So, despite my initial feeling of despair at the idea of being sent back from first base to home plate for another swing at surgery, I am feeling hopeful that this time I will knock that ball so far out of the park you're all going to get whip lash watching it disappear.......

Continuing thanks to everyone.  Home run coming up.  K xxx



  1. So this is at least second best case scenario xxx I love you more xxx

  2. That news all sounds so positive Kym!! I hope to hear next Tuesday that you are strolling around the bases with a latte in hand enjoying the accolades from all that love you!! Xx

  3. Knock 'em out of the park babe! Sending big hugs and kisses, (Kiwi) JOJO xx

  4. Also sending you big hugs and kisses, a little set back, but I'm sure, as you said you will come back stronger, such a great and positive attitude, you are amazing!!! such an inspiration to us all x x x

  5. Hey Kym sorry that comment was from me.... Deb J x x

  6. Good news that you may not need extended chemo, nor indeed chemo at all, and good that they can see where they need to go next, but bad that they need to go anywhere next at all. Nonetheless, yes, much better to get rid of ALL the cancer!! I'm confident that you are in the best medical hands possible, not to mention cudos to your fabulous on-the-ground support crew Julia and John and Murphy and Barney who are no doubt giving you all the hugs and nose nuzzles in person to match the virtual ones we are sending over the air waves. Thanks to you guys. Kym, your fortitude and sense of humour continue to inspire! In light of that, I will seek and post more corny jokes:-) Carol xo

  7. PS. Miss Kym, given your tendency to align the receipt/delivery of significant health news with significant dates, below is a list of significant dates between now and Christmas. I expect only good news on:
    17/11 – World Peace Day
    20/11 – International Children’s Day
    24/11 – US Thanksgiving
    20/12 – Hanukkah
    And other, more interesting “days” include:
    28/11 – Red Planet Day (I wonder do Martians celebrate Blue Planet Day?)
    5/12 - Bathtub Party Day (sounds like fun)
    9/12 – Weary Willie Day (not what you think), and
    23/12 – Feast of the Radishes Day (what the?)

    (NB. amazing what one can research when a uni assignment is due.) Carol x

  8. Goddess... what more can I say? I'm going to be a bit quiet on the blog...happy & prefer to send my love & wishes via txt & phone! But you're going to knock this so far out of sight!
    Looks like you will be able to make the event on the 11th...the star of the show will be making an appearance! WooHoo!
    Love you LOADS! Looks like ole faithful Elephant will be back on duty whipping out it's big, strong, solid trunk for you on Tuesday.


  9. Carol, you missed 'melon throwing day at the Chinchilla show'...heh heh Kym, use your right arm, I know you won't throw like a girl!!!

  10. we are with you every minute.. you will knock it for a six....xxxxx

  11. “You can’t keep a good woman down” (Yeah, OK – I know it’s man). Whoever coined that phrase must have known someone as amazing as my sister!
    I think your adoring niece summed it up well when she said, you’re an amazing woman! (and no, it wasn’t for Africa points). Sorry, in-house joke for anyone reading this and going “what-the?”
    I am in awe of your bravery and positive attitude. We could all do to take a leaf out of your book. The world would be a far better place if we all had the positive outlook on life that you do! I am as always, extremely proud of you- love you heaps, your doing a stand-up job!
    Not to detract from your positive attitude and strength, but it did occur to me that you learnt it from the best. You made me think of Dad immediately. I actually tried to think of a time or circumstance where Dad has been even slightly negative, and I couldn’t come up with any- Not One !
    Even when I crumbled on Tuesday, stressing over what may lay ahead for you, Dad remained positive. If he was feeling anxious or stressed he certainly didn’t display it to me. Peter always refers to Dad as “Mr Positive” and says he is the most positive person he’s ever met.
    One thing is for certain, you have inherited that same unique ability – to be positive regardless of what life may throw your way!
    Dad’s infamous “attitude is more important than fact” saying certainly runs thue here doesn’t it.
    You have shown remarkable courage and strength of character. Keep up the good work!
    Love you lots,

    Kerrie xxxx

  12. Well that is a relief Kym. Good news! In fact fantastic news if you skip chemo! All the love and attention you are getting is clearly helping! (ok, maybe overuse of exclamation, but your post is ! worthy!) x kaylee

  13. We are all rooting for you Kym! Hugs and Kisses!

    Love, The Jensens, Foxes, and Aunt Shirley too!
    Also, Zoe, Tug, and Samantha!

  14. .... Kymster what are you like? ..... Derailing on the home run .... I've realized why you want to hit a home run, cause your too slow to run it!! LOL ....... Big Loves to you little spunkster ... thinking of you, o and outdoor party area now set up at HQ ready for the 'PLAYER OF THE YEAR' celebration party!! X
