Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Go get yourself a hot dog.....there's time:-)

Quick blog.  Stephanie and I wound that bat up and thwacked it as hard as we could. And both of us have our eye on the home run. I feel hopeful.  I feel excited that this may be done. I feel lucky.  I also feel sore! But I'm in Club Med St George Private and I know they have drugs! But I am totally up for short term pain for long term gain.......
Will send better update when not hooked up to tubes and drugged up to the eyeballs.  Thanks for all the texts, calls, comments etc.  John will let you know when his text finger is booked in for surgery :-)

So I am not going to sit up tonight until 3am quietly celebrating the fact that my cancer has gone.  Been there done that. What I am going to do is fall asleep knowing that today provided me an extra layer of precaution that the cancer is gone and will not ever come back.  I have increased my odds. My batting average just got better :-)

It's amazing what a heath scare like cancer can do in terms of reflecting on all the people that are in your life.  I have been lying here remembering the life of my Grandma Gimbert.  She was an amazing woman who died only a few short months off 100. My grandma took no medication.  She had a passion for sport both as a participant and a sports fan that fueled her life (she once refused me taking her to the doctors because the Australian Open was on!!!) and she always always laughed at herself.  I was very proud of her. I loved that whenever I introduced her to my friends she would slap them on the arm and ask them to guess her age. Even more so I loved that my mates would generally still be rubbing their arm sometime after.  She also had a good batting average and I am shooting to emulate her from this point onwards....so that home run was for you Eve xxx


  1. That a girl babe! I saw that ball fly overhead last night! You smashed it so far out of left field... I even heard the freakin call..."HOME RUUUUNNN!"
    Hold on to those thoughts that are making you smile & feel so amazing! The universe will provide. Hope to see you soon.

  2. Thanks for the update! We are right there with you ready for this game to be over so you can be safe at home. Keeping the love, hugs, and good vibes heading your way from NY! Sending a hug for Johnny too!

    Kristin and company

  3. Good for you sweet. Your Grandma Eve, sounds like an amazing and inspirational woman. You are obviously carrying on that family trait. Will be in touch later today to see how you're travelling. Stephen got home from work at 2:30am so doubt there'll be much engagement there today for me to sneak off on my own. Love you, Jac

  4. Kim, Joan called to tell me about your latest. I am thinking of you - your great smile and determined spirit - and sending you lots of healing thoughts. When I finished treatment twenty years ago (wow that went fast) I wrote an article entitled "Surviving Your Doctor's Care" in which I told lots of stories about near misses in emergency rooms, etc. The moral of the story was to keep on keeping on! You are doing that with gravitas! All my love, Heitzi

  5. A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition. ~William Arthur Ward. Carol
