Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Game plan huddle has happened - bring on the Umpire for final decision

Day after surgery (round 2) and I am sitting up in bed and feeling pretty good (update - I'm now actually at Julias!).  If anyone were to accidently elbow me to my left boob I think I'd probably hit the ceiling on the 4th floor (Im on third!) but I'm feeling pretty well protected by the lovely nurses who pop in every now and then to make sure I am not doing pushups on the carpet.......On that note, I want to pay tribute to the nursie people out there.  I know they are overstretched and underpaid but boy they do an awesome job taking care of the hundreds and hundreds  of people day in day out.  Thank you.

So, like last week, it's a waiting game on pathology.  Hopefully some good news swinging my way by the end of the week.  Have seen Stephanie my surgeon early this morning already.  It was nice to see her in civilian clothes and looking much more relaxed than yesterday's conversation in that big white scary room.  I think it's only appropriate that I report that I told the surgery girls as they were gearing me up to knock me out that I had purchased nice new (very cute and girly) undies so that this round I didn't have to wear the waste to knee caps hospital bloomers.  And that I had done that just for them. They laughed and commented that they actually pay no attention HOWEVER when I woke up in recovery I discovered a post it note slapped on me that said "we loved your undies".   So there is a lesson for all of us in that. 

Stephanie is off to Bali tomorrow and I've taken the liberty of advising her to use mozzie spray liberally.  Quite the momentary roll reversal.  She then explained that given the type of cancer I HAD (always now referred to in past tense) that there is a 'slight' chance a third go at surgery may still be in order.  Unlikely and as far as I am concerned absolutely not going to happen. What the human mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.....

Then it's safe on first and my sights on second base.  Bring it on.  Treatment options still need to be discussed and decided.  It will be an anxious and uncertain time until the final game plan is agreed.  I don't plan on dawdling with that decision.  No time like the present I say. Some people need weeks to gear up for next steps - whilst I understand the reasons for that, that is simply not me.  I want a plan of action and I want to throw myself into it.  The sooner it starts the sooner it ends.

So come on Umpire - about time you got on with this game.  Clearly I am going to win so stop wasteing time.  The crowds getting restless and I can't wait for my victory lap.  Love Kym xxx


  1. I can see that Victory Lap already...please do wear those sexy undies..or rather cute undies on your Victory Lap? You sounded AMAZING this morning! Hope you're feeling rested.

  2. Am constantly checking my blog dashboard for these great updates. I can tell you're having fun with your new creative outlet. Love the design too. Great work. Will check in with you tomorrow to see if there's a chance and you feel like company popping by. We are in Canberra for the weekend for my sister's 40th. Lots of love and I agree bring on the decision and get the next part of the plan. Exactly.

  3. hello love, the undies is so cute. of course they Do we notice when someone has the dagiest gym gear on.....too funny. Love you ,are so strong and i love how you have shared your world with all of us. Thank you for that.

  4. If anyone wants to bid on ebay, i have a photo of those hospital issue underpant bloomers...We can raise money for breast cancer fashion awareness...happy bidding xxx
