Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fitness by Osmosis...... :-(

This blog is coming from the Les Mills quarterly workshop in Brisbane.  Yes I know. Surgery was Tuesday but I'm feeling pretty good! And I'm only an observer.........which I am totally struggling with.  The music is pumping and there is an auditorium filled with fit little Les Mills gym bunnies.  I watched and waved at Bert and Dave as they bounced their way thru step smiling and 'burpying' through each track.  Best ever?  Looks good!  Geez I hope I get to teach it.  I'm now watching pump.  Thought momentarily about doing a sneaky track or two but I know I promised.  And a promise is a promise.  Soon Kymmy. 

It's really hard sitting here watching a workshop for the first time and not being down there whoo hooing my heart out.  I feel a bit disconnected.  And sad.  But Dave has just offered me a starburst jelly baby and now I feel better :-)  I have been asked by a few gym colleagues if I am injured?  I guess you could call it that?

I have spotted a woman on the other side of the room that looks like she has either short hair or no hair and is wearing a bandana. I obviously can't tell (without going up to her and asking - which could be really bad) if her and I share something extra other than a passion for Les Mills gym classes.  It's a new feeling for me to look around and see healthy smiley fit people and feel a tinge of envy. I dont like feeling this way and I am working soooo hard to push it away.  I am incredibly lucky to be able to even be sitting here taking in fitness via osmosis 4 days after surgery.  But I cannot tell you how much I desperately want me back.  And when I do get back to the old me, every chance I get to jump around will be with a renewed energy, every push up will be on my toes and every high note of doof doof music will come with a punch in the air and the loudest WHOO HOO from me.  Kiss x


  1. What about the ab track??? or is that going a litle too far? You will be the new you Kym, with a fresh eye and passion in every one of your cells. From this adversity, I know you will recover and rise with compassion, energy and integrity. You're always my fave instructor babe xxx

  2. Janine and Kez love you x

  3. A woman of my own heart - stop talking about your cancer - I have a sore Kez

  4. Kym you will be a new you with all the knowledge, compassion, spunkiness! and courage you have experienced along the way. Thinking of you xx

  5. Anonymous, so true...along with that new you, will come a world of new self discoveries, beliefs, amazing new challengers, new experiences... An exciting world awaits the new you, the new stronger than ever YOU!
    Always thinking of You!
